Polish Ostarbeiter Helena Kucowna
Helena Kucowna was a Polish girl who was 19 years old at the time she was conscripted.
Her file includes the following documents:
A file sheet entitled, "Zivilarbeiter (in) polnischen Volkstums."
It contains
Helena's photo, tied with
Burgermeister eagle/swastika stamps (local mayor acting as the police
authority) in Linnich, and personal information for the 19 year old
Polish Ostarbeiterrinen.
A Police Abmeldung.
A file page showing that she reported to the police as an "einwanderer" (immigrant) in 1942. It is signed by her employer.
A residency
report in Polish
and German.
The document is
two pages and contains
personal information and her "mark" (three X's), as she apparently
could not write.
It is certified
by the Stadtsekretär (City Clerk).
View Scenes from Ostarbeiter Life
(Translation courtesy of Bill Bradley)